Do Cannabis Seedling Need Feed While in Roots Organic 707

For those of you who use Roots Organic soil

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by love2trip, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    Hey guys,

    So I have a few questions regarding Roots Organic soil. I have noticed that it is quite an acidic soil fresh out the bag (mine reads about 5.5ph straight out the bag). I currently have two bagseed plants that have had some deficiency problems presumably due to this low soil pH.

    Yesterday I got my attitude order so when I grow these seeds I do not want to run into the same problems so here's my questions:

    -Should I ph adjust my unused soil (ie. fresh out the bag soil) to 6.5-6.8 ph before even planting the seeds? or
    -Should I leave the soil how it is and just add some dolomite lime in it? or
    -Should i just get a different soil? and if so any recommendations?



  2. I used Roots Organic with great success. I roughly followed subcool's super soil which probably helped balance the pH, but honestly...just add some dolomite and you should be fine. Are you running a specific nutrient line?
  3. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    Fox farm nutes. But my plants are only two weeks old so no nutes yet. They were showing deficiencies and I checked runoff and it was like 5.4 and I had only given them 6.5-7 ph distilled water so I had to flush with 7.2 water until runoff was 6.5 but the prob continued and the growth was stunted so I had to foilar feed with epsom salts and it has been better since.

    When I transplanted I checked ph runoff of fresh roots soil and it was 5.5ph. I'm sure my readings are accurate because I calibrate my pen or at least check it before every use.

  4. You used Roots Organic soil for a seed? That stuff is usually too hot for my seeds so I just use sunshine #4 w/ perlite, dolomite, and some wormcastings.

    As for Fox Farm, you can't use a chemical fertilizer in conjuction with an ORGANIC base soil. The salts in the chemicals will destroy the organic matter and likely cause salt build ups and nutrient lockouts. I am not sure what else to say cus I don't usually check my pH in my outdoor guerilla since they are all in the ground.

  5. That should work fine, make sure you get some good FFOF though...I heard they outsourced their product recently and there quality has suffered because of this.
  6. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    I'll be getting it at the hydro store so it should be good. Can I use FFOF for seedlings or not? If not could you suggest a cheap soil that I can use for seedlings?
  7. Nah that stuff is even hotter than Roots Organic. Don't transplant your plants growing in RO into FFOF though, it will cause a lot of shock.

    Seed Starter Mix:
    -Sunshine #4
    -Dolomite Lime
    -Worm castings
    -Mychorizzae (Optional, but if your going to the hydro store, pick up some water soluble stuff. You won't regret it.)

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  8. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    Alright thanks man I'll look into that for sure. And yeah I wasn't planing to put the RO ones into fox farm. Any suggestion on cheap veg nutes that are compatible with RO soil?
  9. Why not just flush the Roots Organic seedlings you have with a shit load of water every other day, then you can use any chemical nutrient line you want because with the organic nutrients flushed out there should be a problem...I think.
  10. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    Wouldn't that cause over watering? I could just do a small flush every watering.
  11. Irie67

    FFOF will burn your seedlings. Use a mix specifically for seedlings, If you like fox farm, use their light warrior mix. I use a mixture of light warrior(75%) and worm castings (25%) for my seedlings. They love it. When you're thinking about a seedling mix, you do not want any nutrients in it. Read the bag on your roots organic or your fox farm ocean forest. Listed will be things like bat guano, kelp, seaweed. And all kinds of other stuff. Earthworm castings is about all that you can do as for feeding goes to seedlings.
  12. Irie67

    Also, you don't really have to worry about ph when it comes to organics. you probably have a deficiency do to magnesium or sulfur. That's why your epsom salts work
  13. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    I believe it was a mag/cal deficiency. Should I start feeding nutes then? they sprouted on 10/16. If ph doesn't matter in organics then should I leave the ph runoff at 6.4-6.5 as it now and just water with 6.8 water?
  14. Irie67

    Ph doesn't matter in true organics where chemical style nutes aren't used. What I mean is similar to what washedmothafuka was trying to say. Organics and bottled nutrients don't mix. If I start with a quality organic soil and give only true organic nutes (for example bat guano, alfalfa, fish hydrosolite, seaweed, kelp) then PH is not an issue. Don't even need to check it. If something goes wrong, its not the ph. Its probably a deficiency of some sort. When one starts using 'nutrient lines', then it's time to start checking the PH. So if you're going to use Fox Farm tiger bloom or grow big(even though it says organic), you should be making sure it is PH adjusted before you water your girls.
    If you are using organic soil, and then using chemical nutrients, you are beating a dead horse. Chemical fertilizers kill the tiny microorganism in the soil that Foxfarm, roots organic, and sunshine tried so hard to put in there.
  15. ^What this dude said, he is going into the details that I skimmed over.
  16. love2trip

    love2trip Registered User

    Thanks for the information and clarification man, much appreciated. I understand what you are saying, but when it comes time for nutes (they don't need nutes yet) I guess i'll just have to use the fox farms because it's all i got and i'm low on cash at the moment. I'm not really too concerned about keeping it all organic or anything like that. When I got the RO soil I figured it wouldn't be much different to FFOF and other soils like that.
  17. GetDabbed

    GetDabbed Registered User

    old post but reading your first few posts i noticed you said distilled water, if your running distilled im pretty sure there is no mag/cal or anything like that in it. If someone else is having similar problems i would start by adding some mag/cal to your distilled/ro water.
  18. Sry to bump an old threadike this... I use roots organics original mix too. I love it. I used to use ffof or happy frog/ or both. The roots organics gave me better results in my case.

    You can get Roots Organics mix called 707... I believe it has little/no nutes in it. Teres one called greenlight too which is ike the original but dries faster... like the certain pro mix type which also dries out faster.

    I also had issues that turned out to be from using the wrong water. U have to add cal/mag to your water, certainly if using distiled or RO water which have none.

    I think epsom salts ony helps mag, not cal. I'm pretty sure its magnesium sulphate, no calcium. I used to just use really good molasses and epsom salts both to help keep my girls happy, back in the 'super cheap, noob grow' days .

    Hope I helped someone somewhere... sry for the poor grammar.

    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. punchreba

    punchreba Well-Known Member

    Fox farm is dirt
    Roots is coco

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